Pacific Dining Car

Pacific Dining Car is a very well-known restaurant in Downtown LA. Since our hotel was at walking distance from the restaurant and we’ve decided to give it a try, given also that it was one of the few places open around midnight. The restaurant is a vintage place with a strong personality. Open 24/7, it is recommended for different type of occasions, from business to less formal dine. It is on the high-end of the price spectrum, especially for the wine cart, some of the dishes are made of prime ingredients such as first choice beef and fresh crab. The ambience is warming at the first sight, anyways the paintings on the wall and the vintage tablecloths made us feel a bit awkward and almost being part of an old classic movie scene. We’ve ordered 3 dishes, two entrees and one main dish which is one of the signatures of the place: The Cowboy Steak. The meat was perfectly cooked, grilled outside and finished in the oven. The “crust” on the outside of the meat was something exceptional, caramelized and soft with a taste of BBQ which made the whole experience stunning. It came with roasted garlic, so soft that you can easily spread it on the meat, delicious! Something that is worth for 80$.

Another dish that we’ve tried was the crab cake. Two amazing pieces of soft and tasty crab-cake which had a robust flavour. No jokes there! All the details were extremely cared, the garlic sauce and the lemon too.

The last dish was a bit disappointing when compared to the first two: a beef tagliata with an abuse of balsamic vinegar, overwhelming at least. Not competing at all with the rest of the dinner…

steak1 steak2

The Pacific Dine Car is a historical restaurant in LA (and Santa Monica). The exquisite steak is obviously what we’ll remember the most from this dinner, and it has been a peculiar experience for sure, which we recommend.


Food About

Food About

It's all about good food. The blog combines our two passions, travelling and eating good food. We are a couple that loves exploring and sharing the hidden culinary gems with friends around the world. The opinions expressed in this blog are purely personal and subjected to our taste and experience.